I was checking yesterday’s statistics for Exploit Boston Radio at Live365 and noticed that someone from Saint Kitts and Nevis tuned in yesterday. I’ve never heard of that place so I looked it up on Google who then sent me to this page at Wikipedia. Ooooh. That looks like a nice vacation spot in the Caribbean. Whoever that listener is should invite us over for a visit. (I can only see country, metro and city not specific listener information, of course.)
Photo by jwc @ Flickr.
Oh, sure, a Caribbean island would be okay…but you’ve had listeners in places like Milwaukee and Cleveland and Anaheim too. And THOSE places have baseball :)
What you should do is return the gesture, and listen to one of the Saint Kitts – Nevis online radio stations. If you are into reggae, ska, calypso, or dancehall you can hear it in Nevis. BTW it is a nice vaction spot too, I have been there 20 times hence my website about Nevis http://www.nevis1.com and my Nevis Blog http://www.nevisblog.com See my website for the radio links or just Google VON Radio or WINN FM.
Enjoy the choons!
Oh and by the way Nevis has baseball too…well sort of…it called Cricket LOL