How to Write a Good Bio

If you have a pointer to an interesting and well written bio, please share the URL in the comments of this entry. I’m trying to write something about myself for the new Joshua Darden Studio website that is in the works.

Also, if you’ve got a good way to describe what it is I do/have been up to/etcetera … I’d love to hear it. I thought I’d give away (at random) a Flickr pro upgrade for this collaborative bio writing cause. (The nice folks at Flickr gave everyone two upgrades to share with others after they were acquired by Yahoo!.) Or if you don’t want the Flickr upgrade perhaps something else can be offered — at the very least my neverending appreciation. ;) If you don’t want to post something in comments, email works, too. But it would be great to at least see the pointers to other people’s bios in the comments section.


Here’s a bulletted list of a few tidbits I’ve come up with so far:

  • Brings twelve years of new media and interactive industry experience to the Joshua Darden Studio.
  • As the studio’s business manager she keeps the plates spinning while overseeing day-to-day operations and marketing efforts.
  • Maintains the studio’s Boston office.
  • Passionate about technology’s role in society for the greater good.
  • An event maven who has hosted social and networking events in the Boston area since 1997.
  • Observations and audio recordings (podcasts) are noted on her personal website at



  • The Boston Globe (daily and Sunday editions)
  • Boston Herald
  • Boston Phoenix
  • MIT Technology Review
  • CIO Magazine
  • ABC
  • INC Magazine
  • NY
  • New England Cable News (NECN)



About Author


Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.