rsvp3 this weekend + Rose

rsvp3 this weekend + Rose Polenzani + for hire

rsvp3: the 80s is just around the corner — this Saturday to be precise. We lowered the rsvp/ticket fee to $5 in advance and at the door (mostly because we’re generous hosts — something like that). If you plan to join us, how about sending a little email to me at There’ll be lots of food, cheap cash bar ($2-5), 80s music dj’d by Michael, lots of door prizes thanks to my crazed Ebay bidding, etc etc etc.

I’ve been a fan of Rose Polenzani’s music for a couple years, ever since a pal in Indiana introduced me to Rose’s music. After exchanging a few emails with Rose the past year, I’m now helping her out by managing her field rep program. She’s playing a bunch of shows with Freedy Johnston throughout the southwest and east coast. Check out her tour schedule and download a few tunes at If you live in one of the cities she’s headed to and you want to put up a few posters, let me know! In an interview a while ago, Rose described her music as “experimental folk.” Did I mention she’s fabulous? Truly.

From the “I probably should do some work for pay, too” department, I’m officially available for web marketing and event planning projects. I quit my fulltime web job at the end of September. It’s a zany time to make such a move; but hey, that’s me: zany. Let me know if you’d like to check out my resume.