The Big Walk from Boston to Somerville

Sometimes I forget that Boston is such a walkable city. Yesterday after finishing up some work around 5:00 near the Boston Common area in downtown Boston, I decided to walk home to Ball Square/Somerville. It took a little over two hours. I suppose if I had better walking shoes and was a speedier walker it might have been a bit less than that. It was a great walk and various spots along the way broke it up into reasonable chunks. My first destination was Charles Street in Beacon Hill where I did a leasurely stroll and some window shopping. Next up was the Longfellow Bridge heading into Cambridge. I walked through Kendall Square and then down Hampshire Street to Porter Square. Then up Willow to my apartment in Ball Square. I’d like to do this a lot more this summer to/from other locations in the greater Boston area. And if I have to work in Boston during the DNC happenings, I can always walk part of the way.

About Author


Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.