I have been working on exploitboston.com lately and I want to finish up some work on it this weekend. Spring is a good time for some website house keeping and catching up on projects that have been lingering and collecting dust. So, in the spirit of “if I write it down maybe I’ll actually do it”, here’s what I’d like to accomplish this weekend:
- Work on/clean up the garden.
- Add 20 events to Exploit Boston!
- Talk to potential conspirators about contributing 5 events each week to Exploit Boston! on a particular topic such as art/museums, food, music, etc. Michael is contributing book/literary events.
- Revive Free Agent Boston’s website so the files are back where they should be and there’s a roster of events for the next six months.
- Create a page on Exploit Boston! about the Boston Book Crawl, talk to potential Boston area webloggers about contributing and send a proposal to a local independent bookstore about their involvement.
- Help organize BloggerCon parties.
- Create a mini-site for my event planning/freelance services.
- Create a page on Exploit Boston! about citizen journalism and ways to contribute to EB! on related projects. Followup with people who already expressed an interest.