Jane Siberry at Club Passim on December 18

Jane Siberry

If you live within 100 miles of Boston, you really (really!) should purchase a ticket for one of Jane Siberry’s performances at Club Passim in Harvard Square. She is in town from Canada on Sunday, December 18th for a 6:00 PM show and a 9:00 PM show. Michael and I have tickets for the 9:00 PM show. I’m really surprised the show hasn’t sold out yet. It’s such a small venue to see her live. I’ve been a fan of her music since college when my pal Dave Eynon gave me Siberry’s 1989 Bound by the Beauty CD. She’s quirky, eccentric and brilliant.

Siberry recently decided to offer her music for sale via a self-determined model. All music is sold as 128kpbs digital MP3 files except as marked. You can pay four different ways: a gift from jane ($0), standard price (the old catalog price before the new model), self-determined: pay now, and self-determiend: pay later. The pay later option is set up so that when you return to her online shop and log into your account, you’ll be able to see the songs that you’ve purchased on the “pay later” plan. It’s an interesting way to go about selling music but I’m sure it wouldn’t work for everyone — maybe moreso for a musician like Siberry who has been around a while.

If you’ve never heard Jane Siberry’s music, I recommend purchasing the Jane 101 compilation.

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Oh, hello. I'm Sooz, a project manager and Boston event photographer. sooz.com is where I've documented my life and times since 2001.